Prince of Peace Lutheran Preschool
"Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning." ~ Mr. Rogers
We incorporate the same six events into each classroom's daily activities. The schedule for each age group may be dissimilar, although different ages may be brought together for activities.
Classroom Time: Where kids will experience most of their structured activity time learning things such as the alphabet, colors, shapes, and other age-appropriate subjects.
Free Time: Kiddos are led to our large playroom to explore the world with the help of our toys. Most the pictures in our gallery come from free time! Sometimes recess is held in the big playroom due to weather.
Chapel: Normally held with multiple classes at once, chapel with Pastor Bert allows the kids to cool off and listen to a story. They learn a little more about the Bible each week.
Snack: Every day is someone's snack day! The child assigned to bring snack arrives at the start of the day with whatever their guardian has packed for the class. When it's time for snack, the class says grace and thanks the child for bringing snack. In some classrooms, that child also gets to be line leader for the day! (Other teachers work off different rotation systems.)
Recess: Similar to Free Time, the kiddos are taken to our playground to run around, feel the sun on their faces, and be an outside kid for a bit. If the weather is against us, we take the kids back to the playroom.
End of the Day: This part is always last! Some classes release kiddos right from their rooms, others release from a rug in the playroom. All make it a positive experience and ensure the kids know, "We'll see you here on [the next day], this is where we'll be." It may surprise you to learn your child will cry when you arrive for pick-up time. Many have become distressed when it's time to go. Maybe we made learning too fun! Either way, we'll work with you and your child to help make these transitions easier. (This includes drop-off time.)
Soon, we will update the class lists below to include class summaries to give families a better idea of their child's day-to-day life. Until then, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns!
Two and Three Year Olds
Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:45 to 11:15
Monthly Tuition:
What to Expect:
This class is the youngest group at our preschool. For some, this is their first time in a public setting away from their grownups. The first thing we strive to be a comforting person for the preschooler while in our care. We as teachers learn the best way to soothe the child and gain confidence in the classroom.
During our one on one class time, we work on holding objects like pencils, crayons, and markers. We also work on the proper way to hold scissors while cutting. These skills are developed through repetition by tracing their name and pictures, coloring large pictures, and using glue sticks. We use many other tactics to develop fine-motor skills, like putting stickers on paper, ripping tissue paper, tearing tape, using clothes pins to pick up objects, and eye dropper painting. We play games to learn colors and shapes, such as tossing balls into the color coordinating baskets and matching shape puzzles. We also like to count too! We start our days with the calendar to learn the days of the week, count up to the day we are on, and talk about the weather that day. Books are always a favorite during circle time. Our books follow the theme or activity of the day. Crafts are also part of our daily activities to display skills. After some time in the classroom, we head out to free play where the kids are free to explore the world around them. They learn to share, become aware of their surroundings, emotions, the feelings of others, and so much more. We join the PreK class for chapel time where we hear Bible stories, sing songs, and pray. During our snack time we work on manners. Gross motor development is equally important, and we get a lot of that outside in our play area. Breathing in the fresh air, kids run and climb, shoot hoops and dig in the sand, push off on the teeter-totter and slide with smiles. We close our day together recalling all that we did that day, say a special prayer, and sing good-bye until we meet again.
There is never a way to write out everything we do in this class. But we can say with every day they are here, they will be loved and cared for, they will know they are important and valued, and will leave ready for their next step. :)
Three and Four Year Olds
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 8:45 to 11:15
Monthly Tuition:
What to Expect:
What fun it is to be in the three and four year old class! Our little learners are exploring the world around them and finding what that means. They are learning to play with each other instead of next to each other and expressing their needs and wants. During our class time we continue to work on basic fundamentals - pencil grip, scissor hold, etc. We explore our world through calendar time, interactive learning, and stories. We work with manipulatives, focus on structure and repetition, following directions and of course play. In addition to class time, we learn through play at indoor free time and out door recess. Snack time is always a favorite time for yummy goodness and practicing our manners. We engage in Chapel time to learn that Jesus loves and Pastor Bert does too, as he joins us once a week! We are always busy and engaging with our little learners and blessed to share this time with them.
Four and Five Year Olds - Morning
Monday mornings from 9 to noon for lunch!
Tuesday through Thursday mornings from 9 to 11:30
Monthly Tuition:
What to Expect:
Our PreK class is always full of activity and excitement! Kiddos in this class are able to participate in more complex activities, crafts, and thinking. They learn to write their names with proper upper and lower case letters as well as learn all the shapes and sounds of the full alphabet. They count to 100, then again by 10's! They are able to follow more complex instructions to create masterpieces from markers, crayons, paint, chalk and more. Through weekly/monthly themes the PreK class dives deep into the information to learn more. In the PreK class imagination play is held everyday at free time in our supervised play area. They build towers, fight crime, prepare a meal, ride horses and read to babies all in a single day. Snack time is a time for socialization and relationship building. They receive a snack daily and once a week bring a sack lunch from home to practice being a big kid in Kindergarten. This lunch time gives the kiddos confidence to open packages, containers, and juice boxes that they will need in the upcoming year. In chapel time, we hear stories from the Bible, sing songs and hear from our favorite Pastor - Pastor Bert! Outside recess is a time for gross motor play on the outdoor equipment, plenty of room to run, and fun bike days! In the PreK class we enjoy weekly visits from the Library as well as instruction in sign language.
Confidently we know that at the end of the year, our kiddos are ready for Kindergarten. They have the confidence, knowledge, social skills, and earning for the next big step!
Four and Five Year Olds - Afternoon
Monday afternoons from noon to 3 for lunch!
Tuesday through Thursday afternoons from 12:30 to 3
Monthly Tuition:
What to Expect:
Class summary coming soon!
A non-refundable fee of $50 is required at the time of registration for each student.
Register HERE